Advisor Profiles

Grace McGowan

Grace is a current 1L at Columbia Law School. She has extensive peer tutoring experience, including LSAT prep, and is passionate about helping pre-law students achieve their goals. Grace hopes to practice international private sector law after graduating from Columbia Law in 2024. Outside of law school, Grace enjoys yoga and spending time with her chocolate lab, Dublin.

Todd Rothman

Todd's career has centered around admissions and student counseling. He was the Director of Admissions at Yale Law School (2018-20), and currently serves as the Director of Academic & Student Affairs at Vanderbilt's Owen Graduate School of Management. Todd also worked as Senior Associate Director of Graduate School Advising at the University of Pennsylvania (2007-18), and the Assistant Director of Admissions at Columbia Law School (2004-07). Todd is a lifelong tennis player (and watcher), a devoted fan of NBC’s The Office, and a daily completer of New York Times crossword puzzles.

Amira Guy

Amira is a current 1L at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. She has experience with essay revision and peer tutoring, as she seeks to help students from all backgrounds attain their legal aspirations. Amira hopes to practice human rights law with a federal agency or non-governmental organization after graduating in 2024 with a J.D./LL.M in International Human Rights Law. In her free time, she enjoys trying out new restaurants and checking out different bookstores to expand her current reading collection.

Joseph Sotile

Joseph is a rising 2L at Columbia Law School. He is eager to help every interested pre-law student position themselves for success. His specialties include school selection, scholarship negotiation, and personal statement storytelling. Originally from Baton Rouge, Joseph graduated summa cum laude from Tulane University in 2020. He worked in management consulting before starting law school.